The Relationship between Accountability and Mental Health of Amateur Female Athletes in Karaj

Document Type : Research Paper



‘Accountability’ is among the social responsibility components that has a direct relationship with mental health. The present research aims to study the relationship between accountability and mental health of amateur female athletes of Karaj. 70 amateur female Pilates athletes of Karaj gyms were randomly selected. The subjects were asked to fill in the GHQ-12 mental health and CPI-Re accountability questionnaires. The research was a correlational study. The results showed that the Pearson correlation coefficient calculated for the accountability and mental health was significantly larger than the number in the table (a=0.05). Therefore, one could conclude with 95% confidence that there was a significant negative correlation between the two variables. Moreover, the results were indicative of no significant relationship between accountability, on the one hand, and education level, marital status, and employment status of the female athletes, on the other. It is suggested that a comprehensive study of non-athlete women and men with larger sample sizes be carried out.


منابع فارسی
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