A Study of the Terms of Appointment of Managers to Managerial Positions in Sports Centers of Universities of Tehran

Document Type : Research Paper



The present paper aims to identify the present situation of appointment to managerial positions in the sport centers of universities of Tehran and compare them with the desired situation. The attitude of the sports managers in the educational and executive sectors of universities of Tehran was studied. The statistical population included 56 people. Because of the limited number of the statistical population, no sampling was done. The study was a field research, and the data-gathering instrument was a researcher-made questionnaire focusing on three dimensions of individual characteristics, skills, and managerial abilities. Validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by a panel of sports management experts, and its reliability was established by calculating Cronbach’s alpha (0.85). Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics, including the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, t-test, single sample t-test, correlated t-test, and independent t-test were used to analyze the data. The results showed that in the present situation, appointment of the managers of Sports Centers was not consistent with the desired qualifications. There was a significant difference between the present situation and the desired terms of appointment.
In addition, the attitude of both educational and executive managers (who are in such positions) towards this issue was the same. In other words, they all believed that there was a difference between the present situation and the desired terms of appointment of the managers to managerial positions.


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