Document Type : Research Paper



This research aims to study of relationship between job stressors and personal specifications among teachers of physical education in county of Shahryar. Statistical society included 120 teachers of physical education of Shahryar, of which 92 teachers were selected as society of research using Morgan sampling Table. The research method was applied method in goal, correlative in strategy. The data was collected in field form, in which the personal qualifications and job stressor components were evaluated through questionnaire. The measurement tools included 3 questionnaires of personal qualifications (researcher-made), type of personality (Roseman and Friedman), and job stressors (Cowper), when r = 0.86 was used after confirmation of content reliability and validity. To test research hypotheses, Pearson and Kendall's coefficient of concordance was used . The research results showed that there was a significant relationship between personal specifications: age, gender, service records and education with job stressors, but no relationship between factors of employment status and marital status with stressors. There is also a significant and direct relationship between personality type A and job stressors.

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