Document Type : Research Paper



The aim of the current study was to study the relationship between using mobile phone and personality characteristics among physical education students. The research method is correlative that is a field study and practical. The research population involved 1635 students. 313 students were selected through random sampling according to Morgan’s table, and finally 340 questionnaires were gathered. The research scale involved two standard questionnaires including Neo’s mobile phone application and personality characteristics(NEO-FFI-R) . The data was analyzed through spearman correlation and linear regression. The findings showed that among personality characteristics, just the psychosis had a significant and negative relationship with mobile phone using. In addition, none of personality characteristics had relationship with the type of mobile usage. It was also found that psychosis had a positive relationship with mobile games and a negative relationship with listening to music by mobile. Just extraversion and had positive relationship with listening to music by mobile. So it can be concluded that among personality characteristics the psychosis is the best predictor of type and rate of mobile phone usage.


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