Document Type : Research Paper



Today aggressions as an unseperatable part of sport fields, but its volume depends on the type of sport and its popularity. The current research is content analysis and a descriptive one. 3 well known sport newspaper(Khabarevarzeshi, Abrarevarzeshi, and Iranevarzeshi) from farvardin of 1392 to Esfand of 1392 were selected for data analysis. Based on analysis, the most aggressive behaviors were found in football league. Most of these aggressions occurred football matches and exercises. Most of these aggressions were committed by players and spectators that often extended to outside of stadiums. According to this fact that 93 percent of aggressions were found in football, the presented structure can be related to the different aspects of football, in which spectator-player identification, imitation, replacement, social and observational learning, can be more possible. This shows that football is a suitable place for releasing excitement, compensating failure, and solving suppressed social and political complex. It is remarkable that football play an important role in creating group identity.


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