Document Type : Research Paper



The aim of the current study was to study the relationship between leadership style (pragmatic style &transformational style) and self- efficacy among sport managers. 137 sport managers were selected through random sampling according to Morgan’s table. The research scale involved two standard questionnaires including MIQ leadership style questionnaire with 41 items as well as kooper’s self- efficacy with 35 items. The reliability was found to be 0/79 for leadership style questionnaire and 0/81 for self- efficacy questionnaire based on Chronbach’s alpha. Descriptive and inferencial statistics such as Colmogrovsmirnov and spearman correlation coefficient were applied for data analysis. The most important findings were as follow: there was a significant relationship between transformational leadership style and self- efficacy among sport managers. There was a significant difference in self- efficacy of sport managers. The managers with transformational leadership style had the most self- efficacy, and the pragmatic andmanagers had the next ranking respectively.


منابع فارسی
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