Document Type : Research Paper



The present paper aims to compare the educational progress among high school students participating in regular group and individual physical activities in Golestan province. The methodology used was causal-comparative. The sample consisted of 252 people, divided into three groups: 84 athletes active in individual courses, 84 athletes active in group courses, and 84 non-athletes. The technique of measurement was the questionnaire of demographic characteristics and the ongoing and final average of the first semester. Analytic variance and independent t-test were applied to analyze the data. The results showed that there was a significant difference in educational progress between athlete and non-athlete students in group and individual courses (µ= 0.001). Athletes, in both individual and group course, had more educational progress than non-athletes. Moreover, there was a significant difference in educational progress of students in group and individual courses (µ= 0.021). The athletes’ active in group courses had more educational progress than those active in individual ones. The results of this research, on the one hand, expand the knowledge of managers and establish a ground for planning more participation in physical activities and, on the other hand, are effective in improving the educational performance of students.


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