Document Type : Research Paper



The present paper aims to study the relationship between organizational intelligence components and human resource productivity in selected sports federations. The applied methodology was that of descriptive-correlational with a field data-collection method. The statistical population included the staffs of 10 selected sports federations. 165 subjects were selected as the sample of this research. The data were collected through Albrecht OI questionnaire and the Human Resource Productivity questionnaire. Pearson correlation coefficient, stepwise multiple regression test and Fisher’s Z-test were performed to analyze the data.
The result showed that there was a positive significant relationship between HRP, on the one hand, and OI as well as all its components, on the other (P<0.01). The results of the stepwise multiple regression analysis indicated that among OI components, it was the appetite for change and the shared fate that could significantly predict human resources productivity. Moreover, the results of the Fisher’s Z-test were indicative of no difference in the components of OI and HRP between group and individual sports federations.

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