Analysis of effective factors on attracting children and teenagers in soccer schools

Document Type : Research Paper



The purpose of this study was to analyze the effective factors on attracting children and teenagers in soccer schools. The research method was descriptive/correlational research. 252 parents of children of soccerschools in North Khorasan province were selected by cluster sampling method (N=850). The research instrument was a 28-items questionnaire (α = 0.87) with 5 point Likert scale that was made by researchers for evaluating the effective factors on attracting children and teenagers in soccer schools. The Data were analyzed by using factor analysis method (with Varimax rotation) with spss-18 software (p≤  0.05). The results showed that 73.72% of the total variance  is explained by the extracted factors, including: facilities, equipment and services (hardware index:15.20%) , coaches, education quality, moral and social environment (software index: 18.22%), interactions, friends and family (social index" 10.27%), attention to the parents ideas (Communication index: 9.18%) and Advertising (Promotion  index: 8.05%).


منابع فارسی

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