Document Type : Research Paper



The aim of the current study was to design the strategies for development of public sport in Zanjan province. The research population involved masters of physical education, educated coaches, educated athletes, graduates and MA students of physical education. The sample (n=45) was selected through total sampling. The researcher tool was a researcher developed questionnaire that its validity was verified by experts and its reliability was verified according to Chronbach’s alpha (0/9).
The scale involved 38 items about strength, weakness, opportunity, and treats of public sport in Zanjan province. For data analysis, descriptive and inferencial statistics such as comparing means, and Fridman test were applied. The vision of public sport in Zanjan province was designed through 5 factors: general goals, quantitative, qualitative, long term, and mission.
According to research findings, internal dimension involved 7 weaknesses, and 9 strengths, while external dimension involved 8 threats as well as 8 opportunities. According to findings, public sport in in Zanjan province was located in situation of WT. so this makes the organization to follow a defensive state and design its strategies according to this occasion.


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