A study on relationship between spiritual intelligence and empowerment in the organization of youth and sports Tehran

Document Type : Research Paper



Several researches have been done on the concept of empowerment and its relationship with other variables. However, Emotional Quotient as a factor influencing on individual, social and organizational behavior, has been introduced in recent years in the literature of organization and management. The present study aimed at investigating the relationship between Emotional Quotient and empowerment in Tehran Province General Administrationof Sportand Youth.The method used in this study was survey and of correlation, and data collection tool was standard questionnaire of empowerment and Emotional Quotient. Data was analyzed by Pearson correlation test. It showed that there is no significant relationship between empowerment and Emotional Quotient. Moreover, the investigation of first hypothesis about Emotional Quotient indicated that null hypothesis about main hypothesis was rejected, and with regard to the minimum and maximum positive value, it can be concluded that Emotional Quotient value is above the average. Null hypothesis about the second hypothesis was also rejected and according to the minimum and maximum positive value, it can be concluded that empowerment value is above the average. 


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