The comparison between efficiency of private and governmental indoor swimming pools in Tehran

Document Type : Research Paper



This study aims at considering and comparing the efficiency of private and governmental indoor swimming pools in Tehran. The present study uses a field descriptive and comparative method. Having at least 2 years of working as managers, 75 managers of the swimming pools (41 managers of private and 34 managers of governmental) were selected as the study samples by using cluster sampling method. In order to gather data, a questionnaire was used which had been confirmed by expert professors and its stability was acquired through Cronbach's alpha (α =0/83).Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the demographic characteristics and Kolmogrov-Smirnov test, independent T-test and Mann Whitney were used in inferential statistics level. The study findings showed that there was a significant difference in the efficiency of private and governmental indoor swimming pools from the managers' viewpoint (P<0/01). Also, there was a notable difference in efficiency components, such as planning, supervision and evaluation, facilities and equipments, staff, customer orientation, financial status, fixing and maintenance, timing, field of activity and the management task in the private and governmental swimming pools (P<0/01). In all mentioned components, the efficiency in private swimming pools was higher than governmental ones.


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