Document Type : Research Paper



The present paper aims to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats involved in sport tourism in Golestan Province using SWOT analysis. The data-gathering instrument included library sources as well as a researcher-made questionnaire, validity of which was confirmed by a panel of professors. Reliability of the questionnaire was established by calculating Cronbach’s alpha (=α0.86). A sample of 150 subjects was selected, consisting of 40 university professors in the field of sports management and tourism, 50 tourism experts from travel agencies, and 60 sport experts. Using the Delphi method, holding several meetings, and performing several strategic analyses, we confirmed 9 strengths, 10 weaknesses, 9 opportunities, and 10 threats involved inthe development of sport tourism in Golestan province. Descriptive statistics, the mean-comparison test, and the Friedman test were used to analyze the data. The results showed that the development of sport tourism in Golestan province was facing issues and challenges in the areas of strategic planning, infrastructure, competitors, legal status, crime, dependence, and high levels of investment in tourism. In order to maximize the use of natural sport capacities, enhance the strengths and opportunities, and eradicate the weaknesses and challenges, it is recommended that some strategies for the development of sport tourism in Golestan province be defined.


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