Document Type : Research Paper



Media is one of the most important means through which various messages, news, and information are communicated. It is available to public through different ways, and transfers the messages that are consistent with the benefits and goals of people. This matter is even more palpable in the field of sport. From among different kinds of media, people pay special attention to publications, particularly magazines. Besides, from among all sport magazines, it is ‘Tamashagar’ that can be considered as the most popular sport magazine in Iran. The present paper aims to study the gender orientations and sport components covered by the said magazine based on the theories of gender inequality. The applied methodology was that of content-analysis. Using convenience sampling method, 1485 photos and 1331 pieces of material were selected from twenty published magazines which were randomly selected. The variables were examined separately in two categories of photos (consisting of seven variables) and materials (consisting of seven variables). The SPSS software was used to analyze the data, and the Chi-squared test was utilized to examine the significance of the differences. The coefficient of inter-coder agreement as well as the results of the research showed thatthe magazine adopted a specific gender orientation, and educational and public components of sport were not focused therein.


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