Document Type : Research Paper



The aim of the research was to determine the relationship between job stress and job satisfaction among sports journalists. The method and type of the research was correlational and applied, respectively. The method of conducting the research was survey, and the method of data collection was field work. The statistical population consisted of all the Iranian sports journalists and correspondents. A sample of 120 participants was selected using non-probability purposive sampling. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, including mean, standard deviation, and frequency, and inferential statistics, including Pearson's correlation test (r), analysis of variance (F), and t-test. The studied group was compared with two other groups with similar jobs with regards to stress and job satisfaction. The analysis of variance showed a significant different between the groups in terms of job satisfaction (P<0.008), management satisfaction (P<0.001), and salary satisfaction (P<0.019). Moreover, Scheffe's test determined the difference between the intended groups. In general, job accountability of sports journalists and correspondents appears to be high due to the sensitive nature of their jobs. They are in direct contact with the sports community and are required to be fair in reflecting news and information in order to avoid harming the reputation of individuals, and at the same time, are required to observe the principles of objectivity and independence. This exposes journalists to tension and stress.


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